two hands with talismanic drawings on their arms, with a crown over one hand and an egg in the other


the work we do together is rich + complex.

it works with whats real at the roots.

and it looks like some mix of three primary things.

mark making.
coherent business building.

under each of these purposely broad-and-beautiful umbrellas we find a million jewels with effective + pragmatic medicine.

exploring your mark making might look like getting clear on what your creative work actually is {and isnt} or a deep dive into identity so that you know how to inhabit your work in good ways or understanding what coherent marks are for you and what medicine is found in those marks or removing the challenges that make making marks difficult for you or sitting with the wisdom-and-truth-and-power of your creative practice so that you know what wants to be called forth now.

support for building a coherent business includes everything from knowing how to write effective copy to being clear how to price your work in a way that sustains you {which also involves sorting things at the roots around money} to crafting resonant offers to having exquisite clarity around who your coherent people are to constructing sustainable systems that hold you to understanding-and-living-from the deepest medicines giving-rise-to-and-transmitting-through your work.

and when we engage divination, we could be looking at the forces at play so you can play better with them or checking for gaps in your building so your foundations are strong-and-coherent or asking your good Ancestors for advice on moving forward or looking at possibilities you’re holding so you can know where to find the goodness you want or checking trajectories to make sure the road is right or switching vantage points in order to build-and-be more.

our work can include any-or-all of these things based on precisely what you need in the moment.

there are no blueprints here.

no paint-by-number approaches.

no notion of one-size-fits-all.

that’s also why i don’t segment our collaboration by areas of focus.

there’s not a business building thing and a divination thing and a mark making thing.

because everything is everything.
and everyone is different + dynamic + beautifully complex.

today you might need a deep dive into your mark making + a little help with business building.

tomorrow maybe what’s most vital is a more intense focus on creating a coherent business based on what your creative work is calling for + sorting the obstacles you’re running into around that.

the day after you might find that you need an extended divination to look at who you are + what’s next + how to get there + what sources of support can feed you as you move forward.

to that end, our work is structured around time.

length of time together.

which determines depth + duration.

and, in that time together, we can explore any-or-all of the things you need to the degree that our time allows.

this also recognizes that we all need different octaves of support at different times.

you might need a couple hours of collaboration over a couple weeks.

or three months of steady sustained gathering.

or a few days of intensive focus to move you forward with speed-and-goodness.

this way of working – where you can dive in at the level you need in the moment + we can cover whatever areas are most meaningful to you right now – is the most effective way of collaboration i know.

there are simple ways of working.

and ways that go deeper.

and then there’s the deepest.


i want the work i do to be as accessible as possible to as many people as possible.

i also recognize that those who are marginalized + minoritized by the broader overculture often lack equal access to resources of all kinds, including money, due to long-standing systems of prejudice + exclusion + active violence against people in these groups, both broadly + specifically.

in the interest of access, i keep a number of no-and-low cost spots, both one-off + long term, reserved for people perpetually denied equal access. priority for these spaces is given to Black / Indigenous / LGBTQIA2S+ people.

if this is helpful for you, please be in touch.

hi! thank you for wanting to collaborate on good things. i appreciate that. {always.} my calendar for client work is always scheduled at least three to six months in advance. sometimes longer. that’s for all collaborations, whether an hour or three months. be in touch + we can coordinate when we’ll collaborate together on your good things.

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