face with a crown looking at a flower and a cowrie shell oracle

on divination

we're oracular creatures

we’ve been consulting oracles for tens of thousands of years.

turning to the Ancestors + angels + gods, even the earth itself, for insight + guidance + wisdom.

charting courses - or hoping to - in good ways,
putting our feet on the blessing road.

we’ve opened the oracles for ourselves.

for our families + our communities.

for the world around us.

to support our dreams + destinies.

to soothe our fears + to transcend our limitations.

to make whole our bodymindheartsoulself.

even as we go about our day-to-day living, we look to the ordinary for omens.

the hawk in the tree.
the seed at the river’s edge.
the pebble in the tree roots.
the shell in the sand.

this hasn’t been the exception, but, rather, the rule since our feet first touched down in dirt.

our Ancestors navigated extraordinary things through oracular support.

they survived because they divined.

which means you’re here because of divination.

in that way, we’re {all} oracular creatures.

the need for + connection to + resonance with the oracles are inherent in our bones.

we have an innate call to more.

what is divination?

it’s seeing self + world with expanded eyes.

shifting vantage points.

seeing the roots.

divination is a way to gather insight + garner inspiration.

not the only way.
but a profoundly valuable + meaningful one.

it’s being sung to in symbols with soul.

an invitation to clarity that clears the noise + boosts the signal.

divination is an anchor of hope.

light in the darkness.

an opportunity to remix + rise.

how we make our way.

and how we find a way when we’re lost.

how we solve problems.

and realize our whole potential.

it’s a concrete call-and-response with the holy-and-real.

divination is – and, to me, should always be – pragmatic.

insight is good.

but knowing exactly how to inhabit that insight through coherent action is everything.

divination invites doing-and-being in better ways.

at a deeper level, divination is a lived experience of love.

a reminder of the sea of support that’s always around us.

forever available to us.

an affirmation that we’re never alone, not left to our own devices.

confirmation that love never dies.

divination is how we find our way home.

why have divination done?

because we all have gaps in our seeing.

we hold to stories that aren’t true.

assumptions that don’t lift us.

and identities that don’t fit.

because your good destiny + your Elevated Ancestors are eager to speak.

to be heard.
to hear you.

because building is easier when we’re supported.

being is easier is when we’re supported.

and you deserve both.

because the world needs the medicine of the marks you make.

and that medicine wants a way to be made.

because life exists on all levels.

and engaging all the facets is good + wise.

because we can.

we have the great grace of oracular access.

because questions get heavy.

carrying them alone is optional.

and there’s deep medicine in reaching out.

like the Yoruba proverb tells us,
“even the sharpest knife can’t sharpen itself.”

i’m happy to support you in your sharpening.

and, to help you get the greatest goodness from our collaboration, check out the free resource on asking effective questions.