a face looking up at a sky full of beautiful stars

Ori Ire talismans

“My Ori, it is you,

All the good things I have on earth,

It is my Ori whom I praise.

My Ori, it is you.

My Ori, I salute you,

You, who does not forget your follower,

You who blesses your follower quicker

than any other deity,

No deity blesses a human being

without the consent of their Ori,

Ori, I salute you.”

— Odu Ifa Ogunda Meji

you’re {so much} more than you think you are.

you’re not a small lost something, aimlessly bumping around the world, connected to nothing.

never that.

you are, instead, a beautiful vast everything rooted in a you that’s bigger-and-deeper-and-more-exquisite-and-more-potent than you can see.

you have a rich destiny that’s clear-and-real.

a soul medicine you carry that’s all your own.

a road to walk that’s uniquely yours.

with infinitely more agency than you think.

a storehouse of spiritual resources that’s been yours since birth.

and a cadre of extraordinary spirits ready-and-willing-and-able to stand with you + stand for you.


of those, there’s a single spirit, different than all others, that’s forever with you, so big + so vast that it’s considered a great divinity.

this spirit never leaves you.

it can never leave you.

a spirit that’s deeply-and-directly connected to your way through the world, your compass.

to your capacity to realize + inhabit the fullness of who you are.

to your generative power of coherent creativity.

to your ability to live from that fullness + to build your world so that it’s alive with your vision.

to your availability to receive the goodness you want-and-need in ways that are good.

and to remove the things, inside + out, that block your availability to this goodness.

this great-and-divine-and-powerful spirit knows who you {really} are + why you’re {really} here + what’s {really} yours to do.

and at the deepest level of this mystery is the truth that this spirit is you.


the deep Indigenous genius of the Yoruba people tells us this spirit is called Ori.

pronounced or-REE.

the Elders of Yorubaland maintain a body of practice + wisdom around Ori that, for me, has been the most profound teaching + most meaningful experience i’ve ever known.


the Ori Ire talisman supports-and-deepens your direct connection with all of that.

my first Elder, Oba Adebolu Fatunmise, told me to tell everyone i could about Ori.

since we all have Ori.
and we all need Ori.

i have taken his words seriously.

and, while this Ori Ire talisman isn’t a part of traditional practice, it is an outgrowth of his encouragement.

it’s a marriage of my work as an artist + my study-and-practice of the Ifa’Orisa tradition.

Ire {pronounced ee-ray} is a Yoruba word that means good fortune.

the Ori Ire talisman is a custom piece that connects you to the big beauty + deep potency + rich roots of your Ori while also acting as a visual prayer that calls all good things to you.

like all my work, it’s created in ceremony.

specifically, the Ori Ire talisman is rooted in prayers-and-practices that i’ve learned from my Elders + engaged for a quarter century as an initiate of the Ifa’Orisa tradition.

this includes prayers + blessings + divinations done for your benefit that shape the form + focus + function of your painting.

with the painted talisman, you’ll also get an mp3 of basic teachings on Ori, including instructions for performing a simple Ibori, a profoundly powerful way of hono(u)ring + feeding + strengthening your Ori and supporting your good destiny.

also included are easy ways to work with the Ori Ire painting that can bring great goodness to you + your world.

a second mp3 with thoughts specific to your painting will also be made as part of this work.

Ori Ire talismans are available in three standard sizes:

8” x 8” - $600
12” x 12” - $1000
16” x 16” - $1600

prices include shipping + insurance in the united states.

larger sizes, up to 30” x 30”, are available.

to request an Ori Ire talisman {or to talk shipping options if you live outside the united states}, be in touch below.

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